Monday, 17 February 2014

Shoutout to my 200lvl room mates!

Using this medium to send a big shoutout 2 my 200lvl room mates as we say our temporary goodbyes. 

Will miss y'all, from Bene, the quiet reader (anytime you wake up she's reading), to Vivian, miss Blunt (she gives it to you as it comes to her mind), to Tracy, my bunky of life and tallest (her phone na customer care), to Osaru, the youngest and cutest (Madam u dey chop concoction oh), to Mercy, (she left us halfway but we miss her presence though) , to Mosun, the lover of literature and law student of life (u too like house) , to Ofure, comedian for Africa ( you shaa can bully person, I remember that your mothers Sunday rice), to Ose, the angry nurse (your face squeezing is legendary and thanks for the sweetest of egg sauce), to Isi, officially most caring room mate ( black Caro).

Let me not forget the associate room mates, Osato, Karen, Chizoba, Chinelo, and Oses sisters.

Love y'all! Wishing all members of Hall5 room 201 success especially Benedicta and Vivian as they enter into the school of life. 

300lvl leggo!


  1. Awww..ify thank u so much..u re a darling..ify( she never let anything get to her, very studious and a gud fashionista)..I will miss u all greatly. U guyz were the best roommates have ever had in uniben. Luv u all plenty...isi

  2. Lol!didn't know I was a bully.m really gon miss y'all.+cocoa la hot deserves serious beating

  3. Awww.daz so sweet.bunkee of life witat problem..miss u too.luv ya
