Saturday 29 March 2014

I see things others cannot see- a story by Royver

This is another beautiful piece by Uniben alumnus Royver. It's in the genre of fiction and it's my favourite. It is not a short story and would be running on this blog for a while. Please enjoy...

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My name is chuks B-. And I have the sight. Pachios has explained that I did not relinquish my spiritual eyes before being born in the earth realm. Pachios is my guardian angel. At a massive 6ft 4inches and a body filled with bulging muscles laying a foundation for an extremely handsome but beardless face, he is quite formidable to look at- if you could see him.
Maybe I'm getting a bit ahead of myself here, maybe I should start from the beginning.
I had a perfectly normal birth, no problems to my mother whatsoever. My father was absolutely ecstatic, having a son to begin his new family with. if I could talk I guess I would have told him I would be his only issue, as I saw the gateway through my mom's womb shut permanently immediately I came through. She wasn't being punished or anything, it was simply what she had asked for before coming to the earth realm. Of course she wouldn't remember it, no one did once they passed through the veil. No one that is, except special people like me. I remember it all. 
The second time I used my sight was at the age of one when mum decided to get a house help to assist her in her chores and also to take care of me. As soon as she walked through the front door, all smiles and innocent-like, I saw what she was. She had barely gotten her bags unpacked before I chased after her, giggling, a fresh twig in my hand and gave that witch the flogging of her life. She screamed in agony but couldn't explain to my parents why a small stick in my hand would cause her so much pain. After 2 more days of flogging she ran away and was never seen or heard from again . 

I couldn't talk until I was 5yrs old. My mum said she prayed fervently night and day, hoping nothing was wrong with me. Of course, something was actually wrong but she didn't notice it then because I hadn't started talking yet. When I did start talking, the disaster I caused was, well, remarkable. I saw everyone's problems. Once there was a man who came to visit and walked in with 5children. I immediately started playing with them until myum screamed at me that what was o doing. I told her I was playing with the man's five kids, she said the man came in alone. In all this the man was looking at me with a very scared look on his face. He left and never came back. When my mum told me about the incident years later she said the man later committed suicide, writing a note saying he had used five children for ritual purposes. 
There was this lady, a good friend of my mother's, t hat kept on catching fire anytime she saw my dad. I mean, she would be sitting there on the chair gistng with my mum, and my dad would walk in and poof! She would go up in flames. I mentioned this to my mum and for some reason she never left her and my dad alone again.
Over time I learnt to keep my mouth shut about a lot of things. That way I got to make friends and people stopped looking at me like I was crazy or possessed. I went thru my childhood, finished my secondary school and university without too much trouble. Now I work in a marketing company and I'm making some pretty good money.( I won't lie, being able to see people for who they really were helped a lot in making me successful). I have even started seeing someone, a girl named Nina...and this is where things started getting a little complicated.


  1. ;)...nice...would love to read the conclusive part...

    1. Thank you, it's not as short as the previous story and I would be posting daily so stay tuned

  2. Now dis has gotten my attention...
