Thursday, 20 March 2014

Temporary accommodation for freshers

This is to inform all fresh students that there is arrangment for temporal accomodation for all fresh students as folllows:
Female (freshers only) Hall II Block A
Male (freshers only) Hall IV Unit I
Effective Date:Sunday, 23rd March, 2014.
All students on temporary accomodation are advised to quickly apply for permanent accomodation before the expiration of the temporary accomodation. There will be no provision for extenesion pleasee, comply strictly to this instruction.
Thank You.


  1. When are we supposed to leave the temporary place? New Students come in on 22nd. Does it mean no place to stay since hostel will be opened on 23rd?

  2. Yes, you stay in the temporary place till hostels are allocated, and everyone starts to move.
