Friday 28 March 2014

The Altercation (finale)- a short story by Royver

"Kai! 2-2 last last!" Chibuzor said patting Victor excitedly with the AK47 and grinning from ear to ear. Victor grinned back, he had no choice, not with the still warm muzzle of the gun still poi ted in his direction.
The rest of the crowd sat down at a far distance as kidnapper and hostage finished the match. They had all been forced to wait until the match was over. All the window blinds had been pulled and one hostage released to tell the police what the man with the gun wanted before he surrendered. There had been some argument but finally they had agreed.
Chibuzor got up and stretched. 
"Ol boy try and be more polite to your customer next time you hear?" He said, playfully knocking Victor's head with the nozzle of the gun. Victor showed his teeth in a gesture he hoped would be understood as a smile.
'OYA, THE MATCH DON FINISH. COME OUT!' the gramophone cackled.
"Okay guys, sorry about the mess." Chibuzor said. "See you!"
As soon as he stepped out there was a cacophony of gunshots as bullets riddled Chibuzor's body. He fell to his knees as his quickly blurring vision showed police running towards him.
"Na wa o, I been don surrender na..." He said as one of the officers stepped forward and slapped hard. Another slap and the officer started talking in a feminine voice:
"Chibuzor! Chibuzor!!! Wake up, you will miss the match o!"
Chibuzor jumped and woke up from his slumber. His bed was soaking wet. He stumbled out of bed and fell over his girlfriend who angrily shoved him away.
He gasped and stood up, examining his chest for bullet wounds.
So it had all been a dream?
"Nonsense," she hissed. "Shebi I told you that you would sleep off after finishing that akpu by yourself. Oya come and watch your match, but after that am putting my film."
Chibuzor took up the remote and switched off the TV, grabbing his girlfriend to his side and laughing.
"Ah, you no watch football again?" She smiled as he kissed her on the nose. 
"No need." Chibuzor said grinning foolishly. "Na draw."


  1. Woow! This is really really good. Love the humour, the intrigue everything. This writer is good

  2. hahahahaha....Jeez!..
    Veri beautiful style of writing..
