Monday 7 April 2014

An Interview with Dr Roy Ofili, Author -'I see things others do not see'

Dr Roy Ofili is a Uniben alumnus and also the author of the story, The Altercation,  and a novel, 'I see things others do not see', currently posted on this blog. This interview is to shed more light on this wonderful author, to know what inspires him and to know what life was like in Uniben. 

Good afternoon Sir. What's your full name? 
Dr Roy Ofili 

What state are you from?
Delta state

When did you start writing? 
I started writing at age 7. I kept a diary, it's still somewhere in my place 

Wow! When did you get admitted into Uniben and when did you graduate? 
I entered in 1996 and graduated 2003

What did you study? 
I read medicine. I'm a Medical doctor

Medicine and Literature are both opposite fields, how come you pursued medicine? 
I don't think so. I write everyday in my Medical career

Perhaps parental pressure of those days?
Not really. My dad was a doctor and I really wanted to help people the way he did. I guess he inspired me in that aspect.

How was your stay in Uniben? Take us down memory lane
I was a medical student so I didn't really engage in social activities much. I was the class rep of FECAMDS

What are your most memorable experiences in Uniben? 
My admission. When I was told my number was 212 in first batch. I was very unhappy that I didn't make the first ten (laughs) *secondary school tinz*. Cult wars too.

And your worst experience? 
It should be failing pharmacy and pathology at the same time in 400lvl. Passed them both at resit though.   

Did Uniben influence your writing? Being a medical student I doubt you actually had time to write. 
(smiles) No. Well sometimes I would someone doing something in school and it would inspire me to write a story.

What books did you read while growing up and what authors inspired you?
I must mention Enid Blyton, she was my childhood favourite.  Other writer include Chinua Achebe- Things fall apart, Pacesetters series, Rudyard Kipling- The jungle book, Sir Arthur Contain Doyle - The lost world. Emechi Amadi- The brideprice. I read all these books as a child and they inspired me to want to write my own.
I also watched a lot of documentaries to especially on wildlife, that helped me a lot.

Most of your books are centred around the supernatural, why is that?
The genre of supernatural is something I feel i can identify with. I like suspense and mystery or things get boring pretty fast, unless the book is from one of the authors mentioned earlier .

What are your favourite  modern authors ?
My favourite modern authors include Stephen King,T Dean Koontz, Agatha Christie, and a host of many others. I read a lot (smiles)

Other than your works I have seen online, do you have any other published work?
I published a collection of stories in my final year,titled 'ANGELWATCH UNCUT'

Compare Uniben then with the Uniben of now
I think Uniben was hotter then than it is now

In what way? Cult activities? 
Yes, cult activities.  It was in my time that the Dean gave all cultists 'amnesty' and it really helped. Then it was either you were carrying a bible, a gun or a really big textbook (laughs)

Where do you currently reside?
I go between Asaba and Lagos, Warri sometimes. 

I presume Dr Roy is married with kids
(hesitates and laughs) Yes, I have a wife and kids

Thank you very much for the interview Dr Roy, my blog readers have become fan of yours
You are welcome my dear.

I enjoyed interviewing Dr Roy Ofili, more grease to his elbow as he keeps writing for our thorough entertainment!