Saturday 5 April 2014

I see things others do not see - a story by Roy Ofili

The bike man took me to an old estate a few kilometers away. He chatted endlessly on the vices and virtues of women as we went along, arguing for and against why I should keep Nina as my girlfriend. I nodded automatically and "oh-ed" and "ah-ed" in the right places to make him think I was interested in the conversation and to keep him happy. When we finally arrived at the place I was laughing and grinning along with him like we were old friends. He seemed to appreciate the time spent and refused the fare I handed him. We had already stopped at a filling station earlier to fill up his tank so I felt his generosity was a little late but I didn't point this out. He collected my number and said if I needed anything I should let him know. The estate was divided into two rows of buildings, one on the right and one on the left. He pointed to the third building on the left and smiled.
"Na that one be her house. E be like say she dey stay there with her 'Uncle' o." He stressed the word uncle mischievously and grinned. I thanked him and told him I'd be in touch and he nodded and rode off.
Was this really the place? It seemed so quiet. There were no security guards at the entrance to the estate and I presumed the place would be protected by vigilantes at night. Some cars were parked outside the apartments but they were not many and given that the time was around noon, I supposed it was because people were still at work. There was an old tarred road that ran down the middle of the estate and all the apartments were fenced, some higher than the others and barricaded by huge gates. I cautiously approached the house the bike man had pointed out, wondering how I would react if Nina suddenly came out of the gate but nothing like that happened. On getting to the gate I hesitated for a moment then pushed the pedestrian gate a bit. It swung open with a slight creak and I was able to look inside. It was a fairly large apartment, painted yellow on the outside with green stripes at the base of the building. Some sordid looking plants served as meager representations of a once glorious hedge. There was no vehicle in sight and no noise coming from inside the house. I paused for a moment then took a stone and flung it against the door. It bounced off the protective bars of the front door with a clang and I waited patiently, listening for the sound of a guard dog or someone coming to the door. Nothing. Finally I took a deep breath and ventured inside.
All the while I had been outside the compound I had sensed nothing, but the moment I entered I was assaulted by a variety of sensations. The walls of the building emanated strange vibrations that made me feel uncomfortable. There was an old dead looking broom that had been lying by the corner that I had seen before I entered but now I saw the old, dead looking broom had a gold chain attached to it. The chain was pointing straight upwards, defying gravity and waiting for an unlucky person to pick up the broom and start sweeping. I avoided it and moved towards the door where I heard a cacophony of noises from above. I looked up and sure enough, those Bat-like creatures I had seen the day I was abducted were hovering just above the roof with a few perched at odd angles in some places. They screeched when they saw me but made no move to attack. I ignored them as well and went to the front door where a sheet of white cold flame barricaded the inside from unwanted intruders. This place had charms all over it. I was sure I would see more when I moved inside. A flicker of fear crossed my mind but I (chuks the stronger) stifled it. I honestly believed there was nothing here that I could not handle. With that I passed my hand through the cold white flame and knocked on the door. 
The sound seemed to reverberate through the whole house and I waited for a while for the echoes to die down. I knocked again and received no answer. I felt around the protector and saw that there was a padlock which had been put in place but not locked. I turned and removed the padlock, opened the protector and then twisted the door knob. The door swung open.
This was it. Anything else I did right now would be regarded as breaking and entering by the law. I paused again only for a second before walking through the door. Normally this is where a thief would have stopped. The white flame would have prevented him from opening the door and even if he somehow succeeded the broom would have called to him and he would have had no choice but to answer that call. As soon as he got to the broom the gold chain would wrap around his wrist. The thief would have swept that compound till the owner came back. However I entered unharmed and instead when I turned back I saw that the white flame had disappeared and the gold chain attached to the broom now lay lifeless on the floor. I entered into a short and narrow corridor that led into the parlor. The whole house seemed empty, there were some pieces of furniture around but they were mostly old and outdated stuff. The television that rested on a stand must have been about twenty years old and the floor was cemented with an archaic rug at the centre. All in all, a shabby old place. Two windows provided ventilation to this room and without thinking I went over and opened them. At least while I was here, let small fresh air enter the place. 
I entered into another room, a bedroom filled with better luxury items unlike in the parlor. Obviously whoever lived here stayed in this room most of the time. The room had a singular foam mattress which was placed on the floor. Around it, books and magazines littered the place and there was a mirror with a small shelf for placing accessories. I left that room and went on to the next door which opened into the kitchen. The dirty pots and pans in the sink coupled with fungus growing on the chopping board indicated a person with poor hygienic taste. There were some tubers of yam and potatoes on the floor and a small working fridge with fruits and sachets of drinking water inside. The walls of the kitchen had been blackened by years of cooking with a kerosene stove. It gave off the feeling of a makeshift place for me. Whoever was staying here wasn't planning on staying long. 
So far I had not encountered anything out of the ordinary since I stepped into the house, much to my surprise. Whatever paranormal activity that was in the vicinity seemed to be outside the house. I had just made up my mind that the house was totally empty and was about leaving when I heard a slight cough. I stiffened and held my breath. I heard it again, more like someone clearing their throat this time. I looked cautiously around the corridor to see if I had missed a door. Sure enough, there were three other doors at the end of the corridor. I had not spotted them at first because a large clothes hanger had been placed across the corridor, making it look like the corridor had ended midway. I gently placed the clothes hanger sideways and moved down towards the three doors. Two of them were obviously the toilet and bathroom; they had symbols indicating this on their pedestals. The third appeared to be a store room and it was here the coughing had emanated from. As I got closer I noticed a glowing light from under the door, coming from inside the room. The person coughed again. It was a dry, throaty cough, like someone in need of medical attention. I tried peeking through the keyhole to see who was there but try as I might I couldn't get the person in my line of vision. I tried my best to pick out anything at all that could clue me in on what was happening in the room, what was giving off that faint light, and finally I saw it. 
Lying at the far end of the room, pulsating in its own effervescent light, was a single white feather. A feather so large it could have only come from one place. I closed my eyes and braced myself for a showdown. And then I pushed hard on the lock. It opened easily enough, it wasn't locked either, and I almost fell as I rushed in.
Sitting on a chair, looking thin and sickly was Nina. Her wings still shone as bright as the day I saw her but now the gold chain binding them was emanating a bright red fiery glow. And even though from what I could see it appeared to be causing her great pain, her features were blank, expressionless. She barely blinked when I rushed towards her and held her in my arms. Her body was cold and clammy, as if she hadn't been out in the sun for a while.
"Nina! Nina!!" what's the matter? Say something!" I shouted but she remained mute. I looked around to see if she had been bound somehow to 
the chair but I couldn't see any restraints. I lifted her up from the chair but then she made the first voluntary movement since I had met her in this condition. She forcefully sat back down again. I carried her up and she struggled away from me and sat down again. And then I saw what the problem was. A thin stringy substance like steel cobwebs was attached to her head and some of then ran down her head to the chair. She had been hypnotized. I had seen it on some other people when I was younger. Someone else was in control of her thoughts and didn't want her to get up from that chair either till he returned or he gave the order for her to do something else. I went behind the chair and saw the intricate network of wires and I closed my eyes. How would I get her out of this? What did I have to do?
"You can see them can't you? Then remove them! Don't think too much." said chuks the stronger.
I waved my hands over the steel webs and they burnt away as soon as they made contact with my skin. I continued until I had burnt away every last string. Then I carried Nina up. This time she remained in my arms.
I carried her out of the store and into the other more comfortable room and lay her down on the bed. she appeared to have regained consciousness and was crying. I told her everything would be alright and rushed to the kitchen to get some water. I found a clean bowl and fetched some water into it from the tap. I also looked in the fridge and took a sachet of water for drinking and rushed back to the room with Nina in it. She had sat up in bed now and was looking at me bewildered. I gave her the water to wash her face and the sachet water to drink. 
She did this and soon enough was looking more relaxed. She held my hand as if I would suddenly bolt from the place and leave her alone again. I assured her that we were alone and that nobody was around at the moment.
"But what happened?" she asked, "Weren't you at the psychiatric hospital?"
I explained the whole story to her, how I had been abducted by her father in law, how he had set me up to appear mad and thus my incarceration in the hospital, and how I had finally freed myself from his creature.
She listened wide eyed and trembled occasionally. Obviously she had been through some experiences of her own and I asked her what she was doing here.
"I don't know chuks, really!" She said, still looking bewildered. "The last thing I remember was coming back to your apartment to bring your clothes for you. I got to the hospital and my father- in- law took the clothes and told me to wait in the car. I said, no I wanted to see how you were doing. The rest was like a dream. Like I wasn't myself. I've been dreaming a lot lately, but the most scary is that once in a while it is as if I wake up and my father- in- law is there, asking me, almost pleading with me to do something, something that I can't remember right now. And each time I refuse. Then he takes me to a small room, that small room we were in, and I sit there for hours and hours! Wait…did I quit my job, or was that a dream as well?
I told her she had been hypnotized and yes she had quit her job but that could all be sorted out once we escaped from this place. Right now I felt we were in the belly of the beast, this was Mr A****'s hideout, where he came to do his shady deals while in lagos. We needed to leave here as soon as possible. She agreed and I stood her up from the bed.
"One thing," I said, "Why do you keep calling him father- in- law? Have you agreed to marry his son now?"
She shuddered. "Are you crazy? After all this? Never! It's just force of habit I guess. I have never been comfortable calling him M r A****."
"Okay then, just to be sure." I said although my heart had missed a few beats just then
She eyed me mischievously. "What, you wouldn't have come to save me if I had agreed to marry his son?"
"What? No!!! I mean Yes, of course I would have come to save you even if you…"
She kissed me then, a sudden, full mouthed kiss that left me breathless. I now understood why American movies depicted kissing in the direst of situations. Even now, as we faced unknown danger, that kiss drew us away from our predicament and into a wondrous sphere of peace and calm. Stars exploded in my head, imaginary stars, not spiritual, and I could sense chuks the stronger savoring the kiss as well. When she finally let me go it took all my willpower not to drag her back in my arms for another one. 
"I was just teasing you, you know." she said smiling, "I knew you would come to rescue me. Let's go." And she went ahead of me.
I savored the kiss a little while longer and made to go when I felt a gentle tug in my mind. I held my hand to my mouth and pretended to be 
coughing. "What is it?" I whispered under my breath.
This girl…that kiss…wow. This girl is something else, said chuks the stronger.
"Now? Really? You want to analyze a kiss now?" I thought angrily.
"The taste of her, the aroma of her breath, the softness of her skin, even her spirit went into that kiss."
I moved forward and tried to ignore chuks commentary in my brain. This was not the time to be behaving like a schoolboy having his first kiss.
We were through the corridor and were almost out the door when I heard the sound of a vehicle approaching. We both froze at the door, hoping the car would pas but it didn't. it remained purring at the front gate and then somebody came down and opened the gate from the outside. We ran back inside and watched from the windows as the car drove in. It parked across the front door and the driver went back to close the gate. We waited in anticipated breath, hoping he was alone, maybe he came to collect something but we were having no such luck. The driver went to the back of the car and opened the doors and out stepped Mr A*****. Nina let out a small scream and I closed her mouth with my hands and led her to the kitchen. We hid behind the kitchen door with the hope that when he entered and went to check on her we would be able to make our escape. We heard the parlor door open and Mr A****'s calm voice, telling the driver he could go. He obviously handed him something of value because the driver started to thank him profusely and finally we heard the car come to life again and drive out of the compound. Mr A*** seemed to settle down in the parlor and for a while everything was silent.
Nina's body trembled beside mine as we stayed behind the kitchen door, waiting for a chance, for him to make a move. After about what seemed like an eternity although in reality it couldn't have been more than ten minutes, we heard Mr A**** yawn and say to himself, "I'm tired of all this." There was a little more silence then he shouted.
"Mr Chukwudi, will you please stop hiding and come out where I can see you!"
Nina almost fainted. I felt her knees buckle and held her up as she trebled even more uncontrollably. We were still silent then I heard his voice again:
"Surely you remember what I told you before about my pet bats, or wasn't that what you called them? They are my lookouts, my sentries. I have been alerted of your visit ever since you entered this compound. Please come out."
In my mind I felt Chukwudi the stronger giggle. "That's more like it. Let's have this over and done with!" Then he became quiet again. I stood up and decided I might as well come out, but Nina could stay behind, he had no way of knowing I had freed her from his spell. If he did I would find out soon enough. I motioned for her to stay hidden and came out. Tears were streaming down her eyes and she looked terrified. I smiled at her and whispered there was nothing to worry about, we'd be fine and then I walked out of the kitchen into the corridor. As I approached I felt Chuks the stronger in my mind pushing, straining to say something. I stopped. 
"What is it?" I asked.
"The girl…that kiss"
"Honestly Chuks, now is not the time! We are about to face Mr A***! The one who put us in a psychiatric hospital! Goodness knows what 
arsenal he has at his disposal and you are here going gaga over a kiss!"
"Well, yes." Chukwudi the stronger said. I could feel him becoming uncomfortable, like he was about to admit something that was very unpalatable to him.
"What is it?!" I asked out loud.
"Good, you finally decided to show, Chukwudi." Mr A**** said. "Come out, come out, I won't hurt you"
"Are you happy now? He has heard us!" I said angrily.
"You were going to meet him before anyway, weren't you?" Chuks said. "Relax. Besides, from what I have seen I don't think he is the one you 
should be worrying about."
I stopped short. 
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I've been trying to tell you…" he said with a jovial voice, "The kiss… the girl we left in the kitchen. She is stronger than both of you."

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