Tuesday 8 April 2014

I see things others do not see - a novel by Roy Ofili

Whatsup guys? Sorry for posting late. Light of K is terrible! Enjoy this, tomorrow is the finale! Please comment oh

Surprise and fright mixed together to form a pot-pourri of emotion on his face. He let go of me and quickly turned around. His mouth hung open as he saw what I had been pointing at. "What is this?" He looked back at me in surprise, "What did you do?!" I raised both hands in bewilderment, and Mr. A*** turned back to face the angel.  "Whatever you are, you cannot be stronger than me!" he shouted at her. "I operate in various cults and have stolen powers beyond your imagination! Bow your knees little girl, and yield to my powers!" Okay. Honestly I wouldn't have done that. I wouldn't have talked to an angel like that. It's true that they are messengers but they can be pretty no-nonsense -like when they want to be. Nina stood there, blue light coming out of her eyes, her hair alight in blue flame, and a sword I hadn't seen earlier materializing in her left hand, and this man was trying to shout her down. I slowly took a few steps away from his vicinity. I had seen Pachios angry on one or two occasions and the events that followed hadn't been pretty. Mr. A*** decided that shouting wasn't foolhardy enough and went on to launch an attack. With a mighty yell he pointed his winged talon at Nina and her body constricted as something invisible gripped it. Mr. A**** shouted triumphantly and – Nina grabbed whatever was around her waist and pulled, striking with hr sword at the same time and before I knew what was happening a dismembered leather wing was flapping uselessly on the floor. It had happened so quickly I don't think Mr. A*** felt any pain. We both watched the taloned leathery wing flap about a bit more and then it turned to ashes and disappeared. Nina stretched out her hand, as if summoning the second wing, and it wrenched itself off of Mr. A**** and came to her hands where she stabbed it to the floor with her sword. It too turned to ash and disappeared. That was when Mr. A**** started screaming in pain. He retreated, muttering incantations, and conjured up another gold chain and flung it at her and she caught it deftly. It wrapped itself round her wrist but even as it did so it began to sizzle and melt and soon it fell off by itself, burning to a liquid substance and vanishing as well. Nina pointed her sword at him and all his spiritual regalia caught fire and he screamed even louder as he burned along with it. He struggled and squirmed and tried to run out of the room but couldn't find the door in his pain and confusion. He kept on screaming "Fire! Fire!!!" and for the first time I thought somebody would hear us outside. Finally he crumpled down on the floor and remained there trembling; a shivering mess, left in nothing but his French suit and even that was physically shredded. I watched all of this in awe and silence. Nina walked over to him and when he saw her coming he lay flat and prostrate on the floor 

"You are greater! You are greater!!" he croaked. "I have learned my lesson, I will obey your every command, I will forever worship you!" Nina spoke. It was her voice and yet, it wasn't. It sounded deeper, richer. "I am just a servant. I have no interest in your worship." And leaving him cowering in fright, she turned and focused her attention on me. I swallowed uneasily as she approached me, a smile on her face. "Now I have seen what you see." She said. "You're not dead are you?" I whispered, "This isn't like, a manifestation I am experiencing because of my Sight, right?" She laughed and I could have sworn I heard singing when she did. She took my hands in hers and looked into my eyes. "There are angels everywhere, Chuks. Sometimes they cross the veil too. They are the kind and gentle people you see on the road, at your office, in the market. True, we may not be many, but we are there and we do what we can to alleviate the suffering of others, even as we too gain experience and learn lessons that make us grow in wisdom. The veil may take away our memories of the spirit realm, but it does not take away the need to impart goodness that is always in our hearts. And no, I am not dead." "But, he tore out your wings...how…I don't understand." I said. "You don't need to understand everything." She said. "Sometimes you just have to have faith. These powers I exhibited today were not meant to be used here. Even as I speak I can feel it leaving me. I am meant to live a normal life here, like any other human being, without extraordinary powers, without a sword, without Sight. It was this fight that released my spirit form. I will return now to how I was before and will have little or no remembrance of what I just did. It will be like I am awakening from a dream. I don't want you to remind me of what happened just now, it won't help and I won't believe you anyway. Thank you Chuks.  She slowly stopped glowing and soon Nina, good old normal Nina, was once again standing before me, looking as real and as beautiful as ever. I hugged her, though tentatively at first but then she laughed and drew me closer to her. "You did it! You defeated him!" she cried.

I looked into her eyes, and truly there was no remnant of the entity that was there only a moment ago. I decided to take her advice. "Yes, I did." I said, smiling.  Holding her hand I looked back at Mr. A*** who was now sitting, still trembling, on the floor. "Let's get out of here." I said smiling and we made for the door.  As I opened it I saw a large flock of those bat-creatures. They had been hanging around on the scanty hedge and on the rooftops. As soon as we stepped out they rose into the air, circled the house once and then they all flew inside through the open door. I heard Mr. A**** scream from inside, "No. NO!!! Don't you recognize me? I am YOUR master!!! NOOO!!!" and then there was a scuffle as if he was struggling with them. A moment later he rushed out, laughing maniacally with a large number of them perched on his head. He removed what was left of his French suit and started dancing. Then he stood up triumphantly and let out a long loud howl of laughter. Nina gasped in alarm. "Do something Chuks!" "I can't" I said, looking on in horror. "Can't you see it?"  Nina shook her head, No. she had completely gone back to being human. If she still had her vision, she would have seen Mr. A****, laughing triumphantly in his madness, surrounded by a belfry of his bat-like creatures, almost too many to count, and chanting in a strange tongue

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