Thursday 17 April 2014

NUESA election cancelled! Full details on the electoral crisis!

The Faculty of engineering presidential election scheduled to take place today was cancelled at about 1pm.‎ Details on why the carry over election which was supposed to be completed last semester, was cancelled has emerged.

According to eyewitness reports, 200lvl students of the Faculty of Engineering were denied their voting rights by order of the dean of Engineering, Prof Sunny Onohaebi, due to the fact that the present 200lvl students were in 100lvl when the original election  took place. The election was cancelled by Uniben security who were present suspecting that the agitated students may riot. The dean  was said to have travelled.  

Some  agitated engineering students, especially final year, are also complaining about the fact that the dean appointed graduates as elecos instead of available final year students.

Certain students who are supporters of Daniel have even expressed the belief that the dean maybe partial due to the fact that One of the candidates, Somadina Muojeke, is a student of the same department as the ‎dean, electrical engineering. The other candidate, Emakpor Daniel is a student of Mechanical engineering.

While another school of thought, cheered on by supporters of Somadina believe the dean is free of any wrong doing and Somadina is a perfect candidate especially as he is a first class candidate.

Words spreading round states that the clerk of Engineering , a student of Petroleum Engineering, has said that he was threatened by the dean for planning to cancel the election.

Opinion polls conducted seem to prove that the students are in support of Emakpor Daniel. More details coming up...
Somadina Muojeke 

Emakpor Daniel 

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