Tuesday 1 April 2014

UNIBEN Counselling - fighting body odour

Uniben counselling department posted this on their Facebook page and I thought I should share their advice with you all...

Have you ever embarrassed yourself because of your strong body odour? Don't worry; body odour is one of the biggest problems many of us face on a daily basis. This is also one problem that we simply ignore by just spraying some deodorant on. But are you aware that body odour can be dealt with quite easily and effectively? If you wondering how you can get rid of this frustrating problem, we have some easy ways for you. Read on to know more.

1. Do not skip your daily bath

Bacteria feed on our sweat. Therefore, the more you sweat, more the food for bacteria! This is the major reason behind the foul smell of the sweat. Make sure you shower daily and use an antibacterial soap. If the problem still persists, you can take a bath twice a day. Make sure to dry yourself completely, so that there are no damp places for bacteria to multiply.

2. Avoid wearing synthetic clothes

Synthetic garments sit on your skin and do not allow it to breathe. Which is why, the sweat sticks on to your body and exacerbates the already existing body odour to embarrassing levels. So, it is best to choose clothes made of natural fabrics like cotton and linen that allow your skin to breathe.

3. Change Your clothes and inner wear daily

As a thumb rule, if you suffer from body odour, do not repeat your clothes without washing them after every use. Do not skip this. The odour, which gets even worse if clothes are worn without washing, will smother the ones around you, so why take the risk? Most importantly, change your innerwear every single day, and twice if you feel the need to. Also, be sure to wear washed, dry socks every single day. You can get the insoles of your shoe changed if you think they have worn out and stink.

4. Choose natural deodorants

Do not skip wearing a long-lasting deodorant from a reputed brand. Carry it with you whenever you go out, in case you feel like you need a "touch up". For a longer-lasting effect, you can make your own deodorant!

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