Sunday, 25 May 2014

Commonly used Nigerian slangs


Nigerians have a way of making everything popular including words. The other day I was thinking of expressions Nigerians cannot do without in their daily conversations.  Here,I have attempted to put together a list of some of those expressions. Do add your own in the comment box.

It's well commonly pronounced as iswell

God is watching you

It's a lie also pronounced as ezay  a lie

Is that so commonly pronounced as esat so

It's alright commonly pronounced as issorai

Yes sir commonly pronounced as ye sah

No wahala!

No problem

I dey

It's okay commonly pronounced as isokay

See you

How far? Commonly pronounced as Hafaa

Na wa

No time

Na today?

Yes o

I no fit shout

I can't shout

I hail o

Shine your eyes

My oga

My Chairman

Na you sabi

Na you know

You get mouth


1 comment:

  1. ...more like, YOUR choice of slangs IMO.

