Thursday 5 June 2014

SUG election today finally!

Finally! Today is here! Today is SUG election! Go to voting locations, with your ID card and school fees receipt and exercise your right as a student. Let your voice be heard.

Voting Locations:- Venue      Hall1:-    Faculty Of Social Sciences Students Hall2:-    Faculty Of Arts Students Hall3:-    Management Sciences Students Faculty Of Law:-     Faculty Of Medicine Students June 12:-   Faculty Of Law & Agric Students Clinical Hostel:-   Life Sciences And Physical Science Students Hall5:-   Dentistry Sports Complex Main Bowl:-  Faculty Of Engineering Students Common Room In Ekehuan:-  Foreign And Applied Languages Students Basement:-   Faculty Of Education Students. Twin Lt:-  Faculty Of Pharmacy And Basic Medical Sciences.

P.S; at least all this campaigning will end. They were still campaigning in the rain yesterday oh, mtcheww

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